Red (Photo Credit: Diana Lotti)


Winter Survivors

A little pop of red

1 min readFeb 23, 2022


In a sea of just grey.

Story and photos by ©Diana Lotti 2022. Photo(s) taken with a Canon EOS R + RF24–105MM F4.0.

If you’re curious about some of the participants of the six-word photo challenge, I invite you to see the photos and stories by pockett dessert, Ellie Jacobson, Penny Grubb, Stuart Aken, John Dean, Anne Bonfert, Barb Dalton, Mary Chang Story Writer, Kris Bedenian, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Kan Kante Hsieh, Ian Hanson, Amethyst Qu, Amy Rosie, Dunelair, to name a few.

You can also visit the Six Word Photo Story Challenge publication to check out more photo stories and monthly challenges.

Here are some of my most recent six-word photo stories:



Diana Lotti

Content & Copywriter | Helping service-based entrepreneurs & photographers turn their websites into a tool to attract clients | Travel & Photo Stories on Medium